Calistoga/Santa Rosa Firewar 2017 (Part 28) (The Ranch Hiking Trails)

(Master Trail Cutter.)

I suspect we will re-open all hiking trails during Re-Grand Opening, along with new trails…

As putting in new trails is particularly easy now and the poison oak issue has been greatly reduced.



Let’s see what the leader of the Sierra Club has to say regarding these trails.


Michael Brune <>



Looks beautiful! Thanks Forrest.

Michael Brune

Executive Director
Sierra Club


Thank you for your support Mike.




During the Centennial Year 2013, I worked putting in the “Centennial Trail”.


A trail that covers perhaps 5-mile perimeter encircling the Ranch.


It took nearly 6-months. I estimate over 275 hours of work.


Come at least every other week.


A week at Thanksgiving.


2 weeks at Christmas.


I spent a lot of time up at the Ranch in 2013.


Crawling on your belly through heavy chaparral to scout and then cut a trail through the wilderness is something I recommend everyone do in their lifetime.


When future generations enjoy the trail long after you are gone… this becomes part of your life’s legacy.


So, let me show the trails.


It requires its own separate blog.

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